Im going to go WAY out on a limb here as say that WBTS is not counting on the rank and file having any knowledge of this lawsuit. What do you think?
Darth Yhwh
JoinedPosts by Darth Yhwh
by Terry incan any christian imagine jesus christ taking the pharisees to court and complaining to the sanhedrin:
"stop these men from quoting me accurately--it is embarassing!"?
the pharisees twisted words for their own benefit and opposed jesus publicly for exposing their errors as errors of men spouting human opinion and passing it off as god's authority.
I Can't Believe JW Relative Called
by Jeannine inmy husband and i have been basically ignored for about 15 years by most of his jw family.
his mom calls once every few months, but only to ask for money (yes, she is a mooch).
both of his brothers are elders.
Darth Yhwh
While it’s easy to be pessimistic in this situation, if it were me, I would try to keep an open mind, at least until he started preaching to me or asking for financial aid. It wouldn’t take long for me to get off the phone at that point.
Do you vote now?
by sass_my_frass indo you think it matters?
how long did it take for you to start voting?
was it liberating?.
Darth Yhwh
Yeah, I vote now. I feel that if I don't vote then I have no right to complain when things don't go the way they should.
Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section
by Dimples into all the mommy's out there...did you deliver vaginally or by c-section?.
i was fortunate enough to deliver both my children vaginally although i came close to a c-section with my son.
he was in the posterier position.
Darth Yhwh
Although I’m not capable of bearing children because of my gender my wife has successfully given birth to all three of my beautiful children.
My wife had our first son vaginally without epidural or painkillers. My next two are twins. Of them, my second son was also born vaginally with out epidural or painkillers. My wife’s contractions stopped and after about an hour our doctor decided that a c-section was in the best interest of my wife and our daughter.
I’m so very proud of her strength through both labors that I had to get on this thread and give her a little praise.
An Elder Called Me Tonight
by MerryMagdalene ini couldn't have been more surprised!.
i've been dfed for 10+ years.
5 years ago they asked if they could stop by and talk with me sometime; i gave them my phone # and said "call first to make sure i'm home" and.....5 years later they do !
Darth Yhwh
I’m sure that this call was strictly procedural. He more than likely had a numbered list in front of him and he is merely going on down the line. You just happened to be number, I don’t know, pick a number, any number. You know how they like numbers.
I did something very stupid last night.
by lola28 inso yesterday was a bad day, i was feeling sad, angry and hurt.
as i posted on another thread my convention starts today and i decided not to go, well yesterday i get two calls one from a freind that wanted to see if i would go with her so she would not have to go alone.
the second was from the sister i studied with.. .
Darth Yhwh
Well, lola28, I would hardly say that what you did was stupid. One can only bottle up emotions for so long before they need to be manifested and put into action. However, depending on the temperament of the "sister" that you vented to, you odds of being called on for a "shepherding call" have increased dramatically.
'Questions from Readers'--made up?
by rebel8 inthis thread got me thinking:
it be wrong for a christian to use wind chimes in his or her home?
Darth Yhwh
Rebel8, your description of the celebrating newly baptized JW "raising the roof" cracked me up. But more importantly you brought back searing memories of early morning danishes and orange juice cups. Oh how I looked forward to the Apple danishes. They were always more popular than the cheese and you had to get there early to secure one for yourself. Does any one else remember buying their danish with tickets?
An essay for school about my JW life.
by ColdRedRain inthe odds should say that im not an atheist.
im a regular poster at the conservative website
im of african decent.
Darth Yhwh
Your story is very interesting ColdRedRain. For me personally I find that people who were never involved in such a controlling group have difficulty identifying with the struggles that one can go through.
Barbara Bush: Hurricane victims better off, were "underpriviledged anyway"
by professor in.
now we know where gw gets his "compassionate conservatism" from:.
hurricane katrina victims in houston, texas were "underprivileged anyway" and life in the astrodome sports arena is "working very well for them," former first lady barbara bush says....
Darth Yhwh
Sounds like shes suffering from a severe case of "open mouth insert foot" syndrome. The apple doesnt fall to far from the tree you know.
What are JW's going to do with their "outdated" Rev book and Dan proph book
by booker-t ini was just wondering what is going to happen when the leaders at wt headquaters see that the revelation grand climax book and the pay attention to daniel's prophecies book all prove false.
are they going to rewrite both books and call it "new light" and somehow say that they were wrong about the beast of revelation being the un and now the un will be considered holy?
are jw's going to have to praise the un as from jehovah and jesus?
Darth Yhwh
The WTBS already covered itself with the Revelation book. Chapter 2 page nine contains a box at the top of the page titled "Interpreting the Scriptures". Within this box the Society states, "It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible." They are leaving them selves a door by which they can escape the lies that they present as truth. They dont claim that this printed publication is "infallible" however they have no reservation of casting one out of thier orginization if they disagree with any of the "truth" published within it's bindings. To think that I spent many hours studing this publication. If only I would have studied my school work with the same dilligence.